Monday, December 21, 2020

Parnashavari Thangka


Parnashavari Thangka Parnashavari_Thangka Parnashawari

Parnashavari fine art giclée prints on archival paper from original watercolor thangka painting, signed and numbered by artist Kayla Komito are available for purchase here.

Parnashavari (Parnashawari) is a form of the female Buddha Tara who has the power to build devotees' inner strength to quell the effects of plagues and pandemics. Parnashavari (Tibetan; LoGyonma), also known as the "Ancient Goddess of the Forest" in India, pacifies pandemics and other calamities such as drought, fire, famine poverty and war. I finished this thangka painting on Dec 2020 and it contains 6 months of her meditations, prayers and mantras for the pacification of the COVID19. I first found the prayer to Parnashavari & her mesmerizing image on ZaChoeje's FB site and immediately felt a passion to paint her. Via zoom we were lucky to be able to take an initiation into Parnashavari practice given by ZaChoeje Rinpoche. I hope you will enjoy this offering no matter what spiritual tradition you embrace as the positive intention is there for helping all sentient beings.

There is a video on my YouTube channel, Kayla Komito Sacred Art, that shows the Parnashavari thangka painting progression from beginning to end. The beautiful melodious Parnashavari mantra is sung/chanted by Khenpo Pema Chopel Rinpoche (and used with his permission). In a second video, I talk about the inspiration, the selection of images to work from, the creation of the iconic grid, my background, teachers etc.

Here is a little more information on the Magical Mandala Creatures: Garudas, Makaras, Dragons, Nagas & Naginis, Dakinis, Snow Lions, Magic Deer, Tigers & Ravens. These are all traditional symbolic elements in Tibetan thangka paintings. They are creatures of myth and magic that guard our blessed Mother Earth, the elements water, fire, earth, air and space, the plant & animal people that exist in the subtle realms. They are often unseen by our coarse every day mundane consciousness, but encountered by those who meditate and participate in those subtler realms. Many of these creatures get very upset when the human race pollutes the elements, cuts down their forests, mines and fracks the land and generally with disregard and no respect creates havoc for them. They are known to cause personal disease, epidemics and harm to those who have in turn harmed them and tainted their environments. Blessed Parnashavari and Tara are known to have the ability to pacify them and in turn pacify pandemics, fires, floods, famine and diseases of all kinds. Thus I have included in this Parnashavari painting many of her forest mandala creatures. 

Giclee of archival inks on acid-free rag paper. Signed, limited edition.

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